Minutes for DCA meeting on Wednesday 24th April 2024

1/         Attendance:

  • Saoirse, Pat Kilboy, Ollan, Sean, Tony and Laim

2/         Minutes:

  • The minutes of the 7th February 2024 meeting were read and adopted.

                                    Proposed – Tony.

                                    Seconded – Pat.

3/         Matters arising:

  • There were no matters arising.

4/         Correspondence:

  • There was no correspondence.        

5/         Finance:

  • Tony said that €200 had been paid to Glyde Technologies for web site hosting on 13th March 2024 by cheque drawn on our account with the Credit Union.
  • A short discussion was held regarding donations from councillors.

6/         Website:

  • Tony said that no change had been made to the website.
    • When the manifesto is finalised it will be put on the website.

7/         Twitter Account:

  • There are 72 followers on the DCA Twitter Account.

8/         Rural Cycling Lanes:

  • We are not aware of when the extension to the Victoria Lock and Omeath Cycle Lane will be fully open to cyclists.

9/         Urban Cycle Lanes:

  • Ollan read an email from a council engineer about plans to improve the proposed cycle lanes and expedite their construction.

10/       DCA Manifesto:

  • Sean read the draft DCA Manifesto which he proposed. Members were invited to contribute. The final draft of the manifesto will go to Tony for inclusion on the website. Laim thanked Sean for his work on the manifesto.

11/       AOB – the coming elections:

  • Ollan suggested that the DCA canvas the candidates for the coming elections to support cycle lane expansion.
  • Laim said that he would give a radio interview and write to the local media to generate public support for cycle lanes.  
  • It was noted that the DCA manifest would be a valuable document in this process.

12/       The next meeting will be:

Date:    Wednesday 8th August 2024.

            Place:   Liam’s home

Time:   20:00 to 21:30 hrs.

Liam Kierran

Chair DCA