Minutes of meeting of the Dundalk Cycling Alliance

2nd June 2010

1/            Attendance

Liam, Ollan, Fiona, Tony



2/            Minutes

Fiona proposed and Liam seconded the adoption of the minutes of May 2010 meeting which were adopted and signed.

3/            Matters Arising.

The treasurer, Fiona, gave Tony  €70 to reimburse him for the web site hosting cost.  Fiona will have details of the account for the funds of the DCA for the July meeting.

4/            Meeting.

Liam outlined his meeting with Mr. Ahere T.D. Minister for Justice. Ollan proposed and Tony seconded a vote of appreciation for Liam’s work in connection with the meeting.

5/         Maps.

The members studied the map of proposed cycle lanes for the smart travel bid. The map was prepared for the Dundalk Town Council. The provisions on it for cycle lanes have the full support of the Dundalk Cycling Alliance.

6/         Local Transport Policy.

Councillor Ollan Herr out lined his proposed changes to local authority transport policy. His proposals stressed the need for safety in the extension of the cycle lane network. He obtained the views of the DCA members on his proposals.

7/         A.O.B.

There was no A.O.B. 

9/         Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Wednesday  7th July 2010  from 8:00 to 9:30 in Liam’s house.

 Liam Kieran

Chair of the DCA