Minutes of meeting of the Dundalk Cycling Alliance

3rd October 2012


Ollan, Tony, Pat, Liam, and Fiona with apologies from Nadia.


Ollan proposed and Fiona seconded the adoption of the minutes of the last meeting that were adopt

ed and signed by Liam.

3/Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


There was no correspondence.


There have been no changes to the finance this month.


Tony gave a report on the website.

7/Cooley Cycle Lanes

Liam said that he would contact three people and ask them to meet to form a lobby group to press for a cycle lane around Cooley. The meeting will be on 17th Oct 2012 in McKevitt’s Hotel, Carlingford at 8pm. Liam, Pat, Tony and Fiona will attend. Fiona will bring photographs on what can be seen from the proposed cycle lane. Pat will bring a summary of what websites say about the Western Greenway. Tony will prepare a Power-point presentation on the Cooley Cycle Lane project.

8/Dundalk Cycle lanes

Ollan outlined a planned extension to the existing Dundalk Cycle Lane Network. When completed the extension will make the development of a cycle lane going round Cooley easier to achieve.


Liam gave some statistics which could help on promoting Cycle lane development.

10/A. O. B.

There was no AOB.

11/ Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held in Liam’s house from 8:00 to 9:30 on Wednesday 7th November 2012.

Liam Kieran

Chair of the DCA