Welcome to the home of Dundalk Cycling Alliance on the web.
This is an exciting time for cyclists of all ages! There are many cycling related plans and ideas for Dundalk and its surrounding area.
The website brings together information about the group, relevant press and media coverage, correspondence, minutes of meetings and relevant regulations and related motions.
Since Ireland has now ratified the Paris Climate Change Agreement the DCA is looking forward to a substantial increase on expenditure for traffic segregated cycle lanes.
Dr Sean Owens Hit and Run.
We are sad to tell you that a valued member of the DCA was involved in a hit and run accident last Monday 6th Jan 2025.
Sean was cycling on his way home after running a GP surgery when he was hit by a car which failed to stop after the accident on the Commons Road near White House Cross.
Sean was initially taken to the Lourdes hospital in Drogheda. He was then transferred to the Mater hospital for surgery. He was placed in an induced coma. He has started to come around now. He is still seriously ill however his prognosis is favourable.
There was a candle lit vigil for Sean this evening, Sunday, at 17:30 hrs at the Sundial in Blackrock.
Sean is a well respected and valued a member of the community which was evident by the fact that there was in excess of 1000 people attending the vigil. Our complements to the musicians and his colleagues and friends who organised this event.
The thoughts of the Dundalk Cycling Alliance members are with him and his family at this difficult time.
Update 5th February 2025
We would like to let you know that Sean is off the ventilator and is recovering very slowly. He has a very very long road ahead of him. Our thoughts continue to remain with Sean and his family.
Dundalk Cycling Alliance Manifesto 2024
The Dundalk Cycling Alliance calls on our local government to:
- Expedite the Co. Louth Pathfinder projects to build European standard segregated cycle lanes along the inner relief road from Greengates to the Ballymacscanlon junction.
- Expedite and support the ongoing Greenway works from Newry, Omeath, Carlingford, Dundalk and in due course to Drogheda.
- Prioritise active travel (walking, cycling, public transport) in all urban areas over private vehicle use by improving existing cycling infrastructure, by reallocating road space, and pedestrianizing Dundalk centre to a standard consistent with best European practice.
We would welcome an opportunity to engage with local representatives to see past barriers and reimagine a vibrant, healthy and prosperous Dundalk for ourselves and our children.
The DCA seeks to raise awareness of the enormous health and economic co-benefits that can be gained from increased physical activity via active modes of transport.
A growing car-commuter culture has contributed to a rise in sedentary lifestyle, with less space for bikes and other modes of active transport. Our built environment is focused on predominantly single occupancy vehicles and is inherently inefficient and unhealthy. This is the result of industry led policy and political inaction, and has become a major contributor of adult and childhood chronic disease.
Active travel represents a rare triple win for people, planet and economy. It is a can’t miss time dependent opportunity for climate action, road congestion, economic gain, population health, air pollution, noise pollution and more.
The Local Council and European Parliament elections of 2024 provide an opportunity for Ireland to commit to taking effective, socially just, and equitable action for public and environmental health. It is also a chance for Dundalk, and Ireland, to demonstrate international leadership and to become a vibrant and resilient healthy active transport hotspot.