Minutes of meeting of theDundalk Cycling Alliance
7th March 2012
1/ Attendance
Fiona, Ollan, Tony and Liam with apologies from Garret and Mary.
2/ Minutes.
Ollan proposed and Tony seconded the adoption of the minutes of the last meeting that were adopted and signed by Liam.
3/ Matters Arising
Liam advised that he would join the transport Strategic Committee Co. Louth.
4/ Correspondence.
There was no correspondence.
5/ Finance
There have been no changes to the finance this month.
6/ Website.
There is no change to the website.
7/ Motions for the Local Authority
The members congratulated Ollan on his motion for the Town Council. The proposal outlined a plan to eliminate congestion in the Hill Street Bridge area. Ollan will ask councillors to raise the motion in the Dundalk Town Council. He will also go with Liam to the local papers to give them a report on the plan.
Ollan also discussed a motion to be proposed to the local authority to improve walking and cycling facilities along the Castleblaney road.
8/ Cooley Cycle Lanes
Fiona reported a surge of interest in leisure cycling in Cooley.
9/ AOB
10/ Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held in Liam’s house from 8:00 to 9:30 on Wednesday 11th April 2012.
Liam Kieran
Chair of the DCA